Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Application Queues

The Queues icon allows users to access different types of Queues, or work, within Temenos Infinity. Upon selecting the Queues icon, a drop-down list containing the various Queue Types appears.

The options that populate within the Queues drop-down are based on the active Temenos Infinity module(s) for an institution.

For more information on how to create an Application Queue, please see the Queues topic in the Administrator Guide.      

When the Application Queue Type is selected, a list of available Queues opens in a new page within the workspace.

The Queue Summary page contains a toolbar with following icons:

Icon Description
Allows a user to refresh the Queues screen to access the most up-to-date information.
Allows a user to export the contents of the selected queue to Excel.
Allows a user to print the contents of the selected queue.
Allows a user to view the contents of the selected queue.

Queues highlighted in yellow have applications that exceed the Queue Threshold settings configured by the system administrator. Queue Thresholds can be set for the following:

Accessing a Queue

To view the contents of a queue, double-click the queue in the list or highlight a queue and click View Queue Contents above the list area. 

Upon selecting View Queue Contents, the queue opens in a new screen and its contents populate in a list within the grid.

The queue list displays the following application attributes:

In addition to the Refresh, Export and Print options, the following icons are available within the Queue Toolbar once a queue is opened:

Icon Description
       Allows a user to Unpin an application from the current queue, as well as reassign the queue to which the application is pinned.
Allows a user to open the application that is selected within the Queue screen.

Unpin or Reassign an Application in a Queue

The pinning functionality provides the ability to bypass queuing rules and allows users to assign an application directly to a specific queue and bypass the normal queuing process.

When an application is pinned to a queue, it remains in that queue until it is unpinned.

To unpin or reassign an application within a queue, highlight the desired application(s) or select the corresponding check boxes of the desired application(s). Click  to perform one of the following actions:

Open an Application

To open an application, double-click the desired application within the grid or highlight the application and click the Open Application button. The application opens in a new tab.

Locked applications open as read-only. If another user has an application open, the Locked By User populates with the name of the user. It is recommended that the locked by user is contacted prior to working a locked application.



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